
Open Online Course Recommender

This repository contains code for an Open Online Course recommender system. The recommender suggests online courses based on the content of the courses using natural language processing techniques.

Project Overview

The Open Online Course Recommender is designed to help users discover suitable online courses by analyzing the content of course descriptions, summaries, instructors, and subjects. The recommender uses a combination of text processing, vectorization, and cosine similarity to provide relevant course recommendations.

Natural Language Processing Techniques

The Open Online Course Recommender employs various natural language processing (NLP) techniques to process and analyze course data:


The dataset used in this project is sourced from Kaggle. The dataset contains information about 976 courses that are currently available on the platform. It provides insights into various online university-level courses across different disciplines.

About the Dataset

Web Application

The project also has a web application using Streamlit that allows you to interact with the Open Online Course Recommender in a user-friendly way. The web app allows you to select a course and receive recommendations for similar courses based on the course tags. alt text


In the process of developing the Open Online Course Recommender, I modified the recommendation algorithm to provide more focused results within the same subject area. The recommend function was modified as follows:

def recommend(mooc_title):
    index = newdf[newdf['title'].str.lower() == mooc_title.lower()].index[0]
    distances = sorted(enumerate(similarity[index]), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
    selected_course = newdf.loc[index]
    # Filter recommended courses by the same subject as the selected course
    similar_courses = [
        newdf.iloc[i[0]] for i in distances[1:6]
        if selected_course.displayed_subject in newdf.iloc[i[0]].displayed_subject
    return similar_courses

However, it was observed that this modification led to limited recommendations. This limitation is attributed to the relatively small size of the dataset, resulting in a scarcity of courses within the same subject area. Consequently, this leads to a reduced number of recommendations. This situation underscores the critical importance of utilizing a diverse and comprehensive dataset to achieve higher accuracy in recommendations.